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Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

Cara Membuat Tulisan 3D di Macromedia Director

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Hasil Tulisan 3D (About)

Codingnya yang dari di tunjuk - akhir 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Summary---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Properties-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Author Defined Properties ----------------------------------- property pAxisRotation -- String. Which axis (X,Y or Z) to rotate about. property pModel --------- 3D model. Which model of the scene to rotate. property pSpeed --------- Integer. The rate of rotation. ----------------------------------- --General Properties ----------------------------------- property pMember -- Member. The member of this sprite. property pModelTransformOriginList -- List. Contains the original starting transforms -- for each model. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Sprite Handlers--------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on beginSprite(me) pMember = sprite(me.spriteNum).member if pMember.type = #text then if pMember.displayMode = #modeNormal then me.textTypeAlert() exit end if end if if voidP(pModel) then pModel = pMember.model[1].name --pModel would be void if there is only one model in the scene. if pModel = "Rotate All" then pModelTransformOriginList = me.saveModelTransform(pMember, #all) else pModelTransformOriginList = me.saveModelTransform(pMember, pModel) end if end beginSprite ----------------------------------- --PURPOSE: General clean up. --ACCEPTS: 'me' as an instance of this script. --RETURNS: Nothing. ----------------------------------- on endSprite(me) me.setModelTransform(pModelTransformOriginList) end endSprite -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Event Handlers---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on enterFrame(me) if pModel = "Rotate All" then me.rotateAllModels() else me.rotateSingleModel() end if end enterFrame -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Private Custom Handlers------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on textTypeAlert(me) tString1 = "The behavior indicated below requires that its text member's display be set to 3D Mode. " & \ "This sprite's member is not set that way. " & \ "Please correct this." & RETURN & RETURN tString2= "Sprite" & ":" && string(me.spriteNum) & RETURN & RETURN tString3 = "Behavior" & ":" && QUOTE & me.getScriptName() & QUOTE alert(me.typeset(tString1 & tString2 & tString3)) end textTypeAlert --------------------------------- --PURPOSE: Sets a model's transform to a previously stored value. --ACCEPTS: 'me' as an instance of this script. -- 'aModel' as a string indicating a specific model name. Or it is the -- symbol #all indicating that every model should be set. --RETURNS: Nothing. ----------------------------------- on resetModelTransform(me, aModel) repeat with j = 1 to pModelTransformOriginList.count tModel = pModelTransformOriginList.getPropAt(j) pMember.model(tModel).transform = pModelTransformOriginList.getAt(j) end repeat end resetModelTransform ----------------------------------- on rotateAllModels(me) repeat with j = 1 to me.getModels(pMember, []).count case pAxisRotation of "X": me.rotateX(j) "Y": me.rotateY(j) "Z": me.rotateZ(j) end case end repeat end rotateAllModels ----------------------------------- on rotateSingleModel(me) case pAxisRotation of "X": me.rotateX(pModel) "Y": me.rotateY(pModel) "Z": me.rotateZ(pModel) end case end rotateSingleModel ----------------------------------- on rotateX(me, aModel) case pMember.type of #text: tCenterPointAndRadius = pMember.model[1].boundingSphere tCenter = tCenterPointAndRadius[1] pMember.model[1].rotate(tCenter, vector(1,0,0), pSpeed,#world) otherwise: pMember.model(aModel).rotate(pSpeed,0,0) end case end rotateX --------------------------------- on rotateY(me, aModel) case pMember.type of #text: tCenterPointAndRadius = pMember.model[1].boundingSphere tCenter = tCenterPointAndRadius[1] pMember.model[1].rotate(tCenter, vector(0,1,0), pSpeed,#world) otherwise: pMember.model(aModel).rotate(0,pSpeed,0) end case end rotateY --------------------------------- on rotateZ(me, aModel) case pMember.type of #text: tCenterPointAndRadius = pMember.model[1].boundingSphere tCenter = tCenterPointAndRadius[1] pMember.model[1].rotate(tCenter, vector(0,0,1), pSpeed,#world) otherwise: pMember.model(aModel).rotate(0,0,pSpeed) end case end rotateZ --------------------------------- --PURPOSE: Saves a duplicate of a model's transform. --ACCEPTS: 'me' as an instance of this script. -- 'aModel' as a string indicating a specific model name. Or it is the -- symbol #all indicating that every model's transform should be saved. --RETURNS: Nothing. ----------------------------------- on saveModelTransform(me, aMember, aModel) tModelTransformOriginList = [:] tList = me.getModels(aMember, []) if aModel = #all then repeat with j in tList tModelTransformOriginList.addProp(j, duplicate(aMember.model(j).transform)) end repeat else tModelTransformOriginList.addProp(aModel, duplicate(aMember.model(aModel).transform)) end if return(tModelTransformOriginList) end saveModelTransform --------------------------------- --PURPOSE: Sets a model's transform to a previously stored value. --ACCEPTS: 'me' as an instance of this script. -- 'aList' as a property list. An element contains a model name -- and an associated transform. --RETURNS: Nothing. ----------------------------------- on setModelTransform(me, aList) repeat with j = 1 to aList.count tModel = aList.getPropAt(j) pMember.model(tModel).transform = aList.getAt(j) end repeat end setModelTransform -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Predefined Handlers----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --PURPOSE: Determines whether the behavior can be dropped onto a sprite in the score. --ACCEPTS: 'aScript' as a reference to a script member. -- 'aSpriteType' as a symbol. It indicates the type of sprite attempting -- to be dropped on to. -- 'aSpriteNum' as an integer. Indicates the channel of the sprite being -- dropped on to. --RETURNS: True if the behavior is allowed to be dropped on the sprite or score, -- false otherwise. ----------------------------------- on isOKtoAttach(aScript, aSpriteType, aSpriteNum) case aSpriteType of #Graphic: case sprite(aSpriteNum).member.type of #shockwave3d: if aScript.getModels(sprite(aSpriteNum).member, []).count > 0 then return(TRUE) else return(FALSE) end if #text: if sprite(aSpriteNum).member.displayMode = #mode3D then return(TRUE) end if end case #script: return(FALSE) end case return(FALSE) end isOKtoAttach ----------------------------------- --PURPOSE: Allows the user a dialog box access to the behavior's properties. --ACCEPTS: 'aScript' as a reference to a script member. --RETURNS: 'TGPDList' as a property list containing author definable behavior properties ----------------------------------- on getPropertyDescriptionList(aScript) if the currentSpriteNum > 0 then tGPDList = [:] tGPDList[#pSpeed] = \ [#comment:"Rotation speed",\ #format: #integer,\ #range:[#min:-20, #max:20],\ #default: 5] tList = ["Rotate All"] tList = aScript.getModels(sprite(the currentSpriteNum).member, tList) if tList.count > 2 then tGPDList[#pModel] = \ [#comment:"Which model?",\ #format: #string,\ #range: tList,\ #default: tList[1]] else nothing --There is only one model in the member. So, don't offer a selection --as to which model to rotate. end if tGPDList[#pAxisRotation] = \ [#comment:"Which axis to rotate about",\ #format: #string,\ #range:["X", \ "Y", \ "Z"],\ #default: "X"] return(tGPDList) end if end getPropertyDescriptionList ----------------------------------- --PURPOSE: Provides a tooltip in the behavior library palette. --ACCEPTS: 'aScript' as a reference to a script member. --RETURNS: 'tString' as a string. ----------------------------------- on getBehaviorToolTip(aScript) tString1 = "Automatically rotates a model" & RETURN & RETURN tString2 = "-" && "Type" && ":" && "Independent Action" & RETURN tString3 = "-" && "Dependencies" && ":" && "None" return(tString1 & tString2 & tString3) end getBehaviorToolTip ----------------------------------- --PURPOSE: Provides a behavior description in the behavior inspector. --ACCEPTS: 'aScript' as a reference to a script member. --RETURNS: 'tString' as a string. ----------------------------------- on getBehaviorDescription(aScript) tString1 = "AUTOMATIC MODEL ROTATION" & RETURN & RETURN & \ "Automatically rotates a model about an axis. " & \ "For multiple axes, drop multiple instances of the " & QUOTE & "Automatic Model Rotation" & QUOTE & " behavior on the sprite and select the desired axes." & RETURN & RETURN & \ "This independent behavior does not require a trigger." & RETURN & RETURN & \ "ACTIONS AND THEIR REQUIRED TRIGGERS:" & RETURN & \ "- None " & RETURN & RETURN & \ "PARAMETERS:" & RETURN & \ "- None" & RETURN & RETURN & \ "PERMITTED SPRITE TYPES:" & RETURN & \ "- Shockwave 3D" & RETURN & \ "- 3D Text" return(tString1) end getBehaviorDescription -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Predefined Handler Support---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --PURPOSE: Gets the names of each model in a member. --ACCEPTS: 'aScript' as a reference to a script member. -- 'aMember' as a member. -- 'aList' that will be used to store the names. --RETURNS: 'aList' containing the model names. ----------------------------------- on getModels(aScript, aMember, aList) repeat with j = 1 to aMember.model.count if string(aMember.model[j]) contains "model" then aList.add(aMember.model[j].name) end if end repeat return(aList) end getModels ----------------------------------- --PURPOSE: Determine the name of this script. --ACCEPTS: 'me' as an instance of this script. --RETURNS: 'tName' as a string. ----------------------------------- on getScriptName(me) tScriptName = string(me.script) tName = EMPTY repeat with tWord = 2 to tScriptName.word.count tName = tName && tScriptName.word[tWord] end repeat tName = tName.char[3..(tName.char.count) - 2] return(tName) end getScriptName ----------------------------------- --PURPOSE: Inserts RETURNs into a string so that the string is of a specific -- number of characters wide. --ACCEPTS: 'aScript' as a reference to a script member. -- 'aString' as a string to be formatted. --RETURNS: 'tNewString' as a formatted string. ----------------------------------- on typeSet(aScript, aString) tCharLimit = 50 --Limit the character width to this value. tTempChunk = aString.char[1..tCharLimit] tNewString = EMPTY repeat while tTempChunk <> EMPTY tTempChunk = aString.char[1..tCharLimit] --Grab a substring of length tCharLimit. tCount = tTempChunk.char.count if tTempChunk.char[tCharLimit] = " " then --The substring ends with a space. So, there are no partial words. tStopWord = tTempChunk.word.count else if aString.char[tCharLimit + 1] = " " then --The first character after the substring is a space. --So, there are no partial words. tStopWord = tTempChunk.word.count else if tTempChunk.char.count < tCharLimit then --The substring is shorted than tCharLimit characters so use --the whole substring as is. tStopWord = tTempChunk.word.count else --The string goes beyond tCharLimit characters and would break in the --middle of a word as is. So, do not use the last word. tStopWord = tTempChunk.word.count - 1 end if tTempChunk = aString.word[1..tStopWord] tNewString = tNewString & RETURN & tTempChunk delete aString.word[1..tStopWord] end repeat return(tNewString) end typeSet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Do not alter or add to the comments and script below this point! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --beginInterfaceBlock --endInterfaceBlock

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